Best All-In-One Sales Funnel Software 

Review of ClickFunnels, Kartra, Kajabi, and Groove

This comparison video will help you decide which all-in-one funnel software is best for you!

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Best All-In-One Sales Funnel Software

What's up good people. My name is Paige Battcher. I'm the founder of Kismet Ideas. At Kismet Ideas, we create stunning websites, sales funnels, and world-class branding, along with mindset & tech empowerment training for impact-driven bosses. That’s why we know how valuable sales funnel software can be to compete in the modern digital marketing world. 


We also know just how overwhelming it can be to navigate through all of the sales funnels software options when looking for your golden goose. To help you out a little bit and save you a TON of time, we’re sharing our top picks for funnel building software!


Let’s dive right into the best sales funnel software!


Introducing the Softwares


Now that you know the top qualities to look for, you are probably wanting to dig into the latest software out there. And let me tell you, there are a LOT of software options out there. A brief search will churn out dozens of options like HubSpot, Infusionsoft, LeadPages Thrive Cart, Sam Cart, and so many more. 


But today, you don’t have to comb through all of the different options because we are bringing you our top four: Kartra, Kajabi, ClickFunnels, and Groove. While most of them offer options for upgrading and higher-tiered plans, we’ll start by reviewing the baseline plans. Since Groove is much newer and still in beta, we’ll focus the bulk of the comparisons on the other three software options. 



Kartra is a winner in our book! Right now, it’s our favorite all-in-one software for email marketing, membership areas, landing pages, and more. We use Kartra ourselves and are happy to provide you with a special. Try out Katra risk-free for 14-day for only $1!



Kajabi isn’t ideal for page building, but it is excellent for membership sites. You can get a free 14-day trial of Kajabi here



ClickFunnels is a very well-known website and online sales funnel builder specially designed for entrepreneurs. 


Groove Digital 

Groove Digital is a much newer all-in-one online sales funnel solution. They’re already well on their way to make a lasting impression as an alternative to ClickFunnels. As of right now, you can get lifetime access as a “beta tester” before they fully launch! By signing up for Groove Digital now, you could get lifetime access for a one-time purchase, saving you on the $100-$300 per month membership fee. We’ve already invested and we highly recommend you consider it. Learn more about Groove here


Comparing the Features


Now that you know a little bit about each online sales funnel tool, we’ll review how they stack up in our checklist. 


1. Drag-and-Drop Page Builder

  • Kartra has a very simple drag-and-drop interface that’s incredibly user friendly. 

  • ClickFunnels is another drag-and-drop software that many users enjoy. 

  • Kajabi is not a true drag-and-drop option. 


Bottom Line: While all of the software options have good checkout/funnel pages, the best drag-and-drop editor goes to Kartra and ClickFunnels. 


2. Sharing Funnel Templates

  • Kartra allows you to share many exciting things like your designs, pages, tagging, forms, and emails. 

  • ClickFunnels allows you to share but only your pages. 

  • Kajabi does allow you to share zip files and import them, but it’s not as intuitive as the other platforms.


Bottom Line: For sharing or receiving designed funnel pages, Kajabi drops the ball on simplicity. You’ll have to opt for either Kartra or ClickFunnels. 


3. Emails and Tagging

  • Kartra’s baseline plan can automatically send emails, run email automation, send out sequences, and tag people with some key tagging options. One cool tagging feature is the ability to tag someone that’s already in your database when they land on a page. 

  • ClickFunnels get this feature with a higher ClickFunnels tier, but not with the baseline subscription. 

  • Kajabi, similar to Kartra, allows you to send automatic emails with their baseline plan, without the need to integrate a third-party email system. 


Bottom Line: ClickFunnels lags behind Kartra and Kajabi when it comes to emails and tagging. Sure, you can pay a pretty penny of $300 per month to get those features, but Kartra and Kajabi offer strong email and tagging functionality for their baseline subscription. With Kartra or Kajabi, you can easily send mass or automate emails to your customers. 


4. Membership Area

One major perk of a funnel builder should be its ability to help you sell your program or digital product. You’ll likely want a way for your customers to log into your membership area.


  • Kartra has a great membership editing platform that has unlimited features. You can add buttons, drop-down lists, custom coding, checklists, and any other page element that’s on a normal funnel page. Essentially, Kartra offers the most customizable choice. 

  • ClickFunnels offers a membership area, but it’s a bit subpar. For example, when the software itself offers their online coaching programs, they invest in a ton of coding effort. The baseline membership features are pretty lackluster. 

  • Kajabi offers a pretty cool membership area. It’s easy to set up and includes a phone app. Another bonus is that you can see every course bought from online creators.


Bottom line: All three offer membership areas, but Katra has the best. It is the most customizable, while still being user-friendly.


5. Video Hosting


What does video hosting have to do with the best funnel builder? Well, a lot thanks to YouTube’s impact on video display and embedding. Oftentimes. When your video ends, your customer will get a suggestion for a “relevant video” on something unrelated. If you want to avoid that, you’d have to upload your videos to a third-party tool, and that’s a hassle and major expense. 


  • Kartra allows you to upload your videos directly to its embedded Wistia platform. You’ll get the benefits of Wistia without the premium price tag. Kartra offers great video hosting, allowing you to easily upload your videos, and they even offer some plans with unlimited bandwidth.

  • Kajabi also allows you to upload videos directly to their platform. 

  • ClickFunnels doesn’t cut it when it comes to video hosting as you’ll have to embed a third-party tool. 


Bottom Line: ClickFunnels falls way behind when it comes to video hosting. Kajabi and Kartra offer video hosting on their platforms, but Kartra takes the cake in this category. Kartra provides more access to your video library, allowing you to add overlays, CTAs, and tagging. You’ll also be able to check your analytics. 


6. Website Builder


When it comes down to it, you’ll want a sales funnel tool that allows you to do it all, including building your website. Specifically, you’ll want an option with global settings, so you can move content from page to page quickly. “Global settings” in this case means a header and footer. Additionally, you may want to duplicate some sections on multiple pages of your website and link it all together. 


  • Kartra can push settings to as many pages on your site as you want. It offers the closest website building capabilities to WordPress or Squarespace, and it’s really easy to build out your menu, change it in one place, and push live updates to all other areas of your website. 

  • ClickFunnels’ baseline plan is just not set up for website building. It requires a lot of manual work, and it’s best to just use ClickFunnel as a funnel. 

  • Kajabi has some settings for creating a footer, but there’s no good way to push it to the live pages you’ve already created. If you change your footer link, you’ll have to log in to each page and update it. You’re better off sticking to Kajabi for its membership area and funnel. 


Bottom Line: ClickFunnels falls quite short as a website builder, and Kajabi is not a very strong solution either. Kartra is the clear winner in this category. You can build a more robust site with menus, footers, repeating sections, and more with Kartra.


7. Blogging


In 2020, blogging is still essential for your business in the long run. Kartra: They could all improve here. 


  • Kartra offers the ability to create blog posts, but they aren’t unique from pages. To roll your blog or feed, you’d need a big helping of manual design. 

  • ClickFunnels has limited blogging capabilities.

  • Kajabi offers the most promising blogging experience. 


Bottom Line: Unfortunately, all three software options get a big fat X when it comes to blogging. Kajabi is the honorable mention because it offers the closest feature to a blog. With Kajabi, you’ll get a customizable blog feed.

Help Desk/Community Forum

  • Kartra offers a very robust help desk with its baseline plan. Your customers can click on the help desk widget to submit a communication, question, or support ticket through your website. You’ll be able to see the history of everything they bought and everything they’ve discussed with your company. 

  • ClickFunnels runs most chat threads through Facebook groups. 

  • Kajabi includes a community forum feature, but it’s in more of a beta stage. 


The Bottom Line: Kartra is the clear winner for the help desk/community category. You may not even know you need this feature until you have it, and Kartra includes it with their impressive starter plan. 


8. Affiliate Programs


All of these software options have a partner program, which allows your customers to promote your products and services in exchange for compensation. 


  • With Kartra, you can create an affiliate program right away, and even set up automatic payout via PayPal. 

  • ClickFunnels has an affiliate program, but you’ll have to upgrade for access. 

  • Kajabi, much like ClickFunnels, also has an affiliate program that you can get if you choose an upgraded package, but not as part of the baseline tier. 


The Bottom Line: When you upgrade all three software packages, you can get an affiliate program, but Kartra is the only one to offer it with a baseline subscription. 


The New Player in the Online Sales Funnel Game: Groove Digital


As you may have noticed, we’ve left Groove Digital out of the running so far. But make no mistake, that’s not because we don’t think they’re one of the best sales funnel software tools available! 


Groove Digital is a brand new online sales funnel tool that’s created by the same makers of Kartra. They’re looking to build a new, comprehensive online sales funnel software with a membership area, websites, and actual blogging platform, surveys, email broadcast, and an affiliate program. They’re not just making claims either, Groove is doing the work. Essentially, they’re using their experience with Kartra to create a faster, more streamlined solution. 


While Groove is only in beta right now, it’s very promising. You can even snatch up lifetime access for a single price right now, which could be game-changing for your business. 


What's the best All-in-One Software Platform?

Now that we’ve broken down the features and comparison for each software tool, it’s time for the part you’ve been waiting for! This is where you want to hear who the winner is and which sales funnel software to go get. 


Well, the truth is that it depends on your needs. Boo! I know, not a very exciting summation, but just hold on a second. Before you invest in an online sales funnel, you’ve got to look at YOUR situation. Consider your business goals, what kind of platform you want, which categories you need most, etc. 


Looking at the big picture, Groove is a really exciting new sales funnel software, but it’s still in the beta stage. Right now, the best comprehensive platform is Kartra. As you can see, Kartra has the most all-in-one features at its base level, making it the best sales funnel tool. 


We hope that this guide has helped you along your journey to find the best sales funnel software for your business. If you’ve found it enjoyable, you may also benefit from subscribing to our channel-it’s full of all kinds of free resources for essential online tools for your online business.